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Weighing Your Options: Direct vs. Contract Hiring in Cincinnati

When it comes time to hire a new employee for your business, you may have difficulty deciding between a direct or contract hire. While each option comes with its unique benefits and considerations, there are a few things to think about before deciding what’s best for your organization. Understanding the differences between these staffing options can help you make informed decisions that best suit your business’s needs and goals.

Benefits and Considerations of Direct Hire

Direct hiring refers to the process by which an organization hires an employee directly onto its payroll for a permanent or long-term position. As the organization–unless you hire a staffing agency–you are responsible for the entirety of the recruitment, selection, onboarding, and employment of the employee. This is typically the more common hiring approach. However, it comes with its own pros and cons.


  • Long-term commitment – Direct hire provides stability and loyalty, allowing employees to invest in the company’s long-term goals and growth. They know that they are going to be there for the long haul. Therefore, they are more inclined to fully invest their time and energy into the role.
  • Cultural integration – Long-term employees often have a better opportunity to assimilate into the company’s culture and values, increasing employee engagement and productivity.
  • Skill development – Direct hires often receive more extensive training and development opportunities. This can be far more useful for the workforce in the future. The more skilled an employee is, the higher the quality of work.


  • Cost and time – Direct hiring can be an extremely costly and time-consuming process –especially when looking to hire specialized talent.
  • Long-term obligations – When hiring directly, employers should take long-term financial commitments into consideration, such as benefits, insurance, and other employment perks.
  • Limited flexibility – Direct hires may lack the flexibility needed to scale their workloads up or down quickly. This can be challenging when things slow down or pick up.

Benefits and Considerations of Contract Staffing

Contract staffing–also known as temporary staffing–refers to the process of hiring individuals for specific projects, assignments, or a predetermined time period. Depending on the project requirements, these contracts can be anywhere from a few weeks to several months or even years. As with direct hiring, it also has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Flexibility and scalability – Contract staffing provides the flexibility to scale the workforce according to project demands, allowing you to allocate resources as needed.
  • Cost efficiency – Because contracted employees are not usually full-time, you don’t have to worry about benefits, insurance, and other employee-related expenses.
  • Specialized expertise – Contract workers are hired for a specific project, allowing them to bring specialized skills and experience.


  • Limited Control – Contract staff may have limited attachment to a business’s culture and long-term goals, potentially making it harder to control their commitment.
  • Training and integration – Contract workers may require additional onboarding and training. While this is typical for hiring new employees, it can consume valuable time and resources, particularly for short-term projects.
  • Talent availability – Securing highly skilled and specialized contract workers may be challenging, especially during peak demand periods. If you’re short on time, this can impact project timelines and deliverables.

Making Informed Decisions for Your Organization

When choosing between direct hire and contract staffing options, you need to consider your specific needs, project requirements, and long-term objectives. Think about project duration, budget constraints, skill requirements, and workforce flexibility, and you should be able to come up with a decision fairly quickly.

The choice between direct hire and contract staffing is not a one-size-fits-all decision. Both options offer their own benefits and considerations that can significantly impact your success. Luckily, MBS Staffing offers both. If you’re ready to get started, or you’re unsure of which hiring option is the best for your business, contact us today!

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